Efficient bus fleet maintenance

Watch the presentation of Jakub Jóźwiak and Michał Ostachowski at Busworld 2023

We are witnessing a market transformation in which alternative drives are becoming the new standard. We have become accustomed to seeing battery cars on the streets, and electric buses in many cities have already displaced diesel ones. However, it is worth remembering that the purchase of zero-emission vehicles alone is only the beginning. The key here is comprehensive support in implementation and operation.

Date of publication: December 1, 2023

How does the market transformation affect public transport operators? How to navigate the topics of servicing and repairing alternative drives? How are VR goggles useful in bus diagnostics?

Watch the presentation by Jakub Jóźwiak and Michal Ostachowski to learn how to plan maintenance procedures for electric and hydrogen buses and what tools are worth supporting.

Watch the presentation and find out more about
efficient bus fleet maintenance:


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