The delivery of charging infrastructure for electric buses is more and more often becoming one of the tender requirements issued by European carrier. At Solaris, we respond to them with comprehensive service. The map of charging stations supplied by us last year is ample proof of that.
The delivery of charging infrastructure for electric buses is more and more often becoming one of the tender requirements issued by European carrier. At Solaris, we respond to them with comprehensive service. The map of charging stations supplied by us last year is ample proof of that.
40% of the contracts for the supply of buses and charging stations signed by Solaris are so called MAXI contracts, which means that, apart from the delivery of e-buses themselves, they also involve full customer support in infrastructure.

Such combined tendering procedures of this kind offer an invaluable advantage for carriers, especially those purchasing zero-emission vehicles for the first time. In these types of tenders, the ordering party only needs to conduct one tendering procedure, within which they receive a complete package of products and services from a single supplier.
In such cases, the bus manufacturer does not only take care of the supply of plug-in or pantograph chargers as such, but also of the professional and comprehensive management of the construction process.

The entire range of activities in this area includes drawing up the complete project documentation, conducting consultations with utility and site operators, carrying out the construction work, installing, commissioning, testing and accepting the chargers, notifying the supervisory authorities of the completion of the construction work, and compiling the as-built documentation. Such project are literally turnkey projects.
This broad offer is a response to the growing demand for comprehensive projects among customers. Today, only a few bus manufacturers can offer full support in the charging infrastructure services. To meet high expectations and provide the most flexible solutions, we are constantly expanding our supplier range.

In 2023 alone, we delivered over 360 charging stations to our clients all over Europe.